Handy Surveying Help

Last updated Nov 2022

This app has been developed in consultation with experienced surveyors around the world and includes many of the common Coordinate Geometry (COGO) calculations needed for land surveying field work.

The app can store points for multiple jobs simultaneously, and can easily compute and store the next point on each leg of a continuous bearing and distance traverse. Once a traverse has been completed, it can be plotted, exported, and the misclosure can be computed and corrected if desired.

Backing up the app and transferring data to a new phone

To make a copy of the internal database used by the app, press the menu button on the main page and choose "About", then press the "Copy database" button and then choose "Copy internal database".

Then, to backup the app data, plug your phone into a computer using a USB cable, and choose the USB file transfer option on your phone. Using a file browser such as Windows Explorer on your computer, copy the folder Android/data/net.binaryearth.handysurveying to a safe place on your computer.

To restore the app data from the backup, or to transfer the data to a new phone, first make sure the Handy Surveying app is installed on the phone, then using a file browser on your computer, copy the net.binaryearth.handysurveying folder to Android/data on your phone. Next, run the Handy Surveying app on your phone and choose About > Copy database > Restore internal database. Finally, if necessary, exit and re-start the app.

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y56lsJvHY6Q&feature=youtu.be


Acknowledgements: Thanks to Richard S., Jerry L., Javier D., and many others for their useful suggestions and feedback.


Website: www.binaryearth.net