Australian National Grid

Last updated July 2010

Prior to 1966, Australian maps used a transverse mercator projection, in yards, with the Clarke 1858 ellipsoid. This was called the Australian National Grid (ANG).

Common map series in this projection were the 1:250,000 miles maps and the 1:63,360 inch to the mile maps. These maps were surveyed by the Royal Australian Survey Corps. Part of a 1:250,000 miles map can be seen here.

The parameters for ANG are as follows:

Central scale factor : 1.0 exactly 
False Easting : 400 000 yards 
False Northing : 4 915 813.467 yards (Add 1 000 000 for Tasmania)
Zone Width : 5 degrees 
Initial Central meridian : 116 degrees East longitude. 

By comparing three points (Tangy Dangy, Avoca, and Mangrove trigs*) on the Gosford & Norahville 1:63,360 inch-to-the-mile map with the same locations on the modern (GDA94) maps, and then computing the shift params using the tool built into AusDatumTool, I came up with the following MapInfo coordinate system string which gives an accuracy of about +/- 80 metres in this area:

"ANG (Zone 8, 3 param)", 8, 999, 36, 79.723, 7.352, 24.203, 4, 151, 0, 1.0, 400000, 4915813.467

The params in the first coordinate string are:

Projection = 8 (Transverse Mercator)
Ellipsoid = 36 (Clarke 1858: a=6378293.639, b=6356617.982, 1/f=294.260680)
dX = 79.723
dY = 7.352
dZ = 24.203
Units = 4 (yards)
Origin of Longitude = 151
Origin of Latitude = 0
Scale factor = 1.0
False easting = 400000
False northing = 4915813.467

Using the SEVENPAR program I computed the following MapInfo coordinate system string which is accurate to around +/- 60 metres in this area (You could also use our free Compute Datum Shift tool):

"ANG (Zone 8, 7 param)", 8, 9999, 36, 9940, -5396, 7101, -131.8, 63.9, -95, 2084.7, 151, 4, 151, 0, 1.0, 400000, 4915813.467

The params here are:

dX = 9940
dY = -5396
dZ = 7101
rX = -131.8
rY = 63.9
rZ = -95
M  = 2084.7

* Test points determined from Gosford & Norahville 1:63,360 map (1942) and modern Gosford, Wyong GDA94 maps: params
LocationANG coordinatesGDA94 coordinatesConversion error, 3 paramsConversion error, 7 params
Wyrrabalong Trig 448429 yE, 871857 yN 358275 mE, 6302775 mN errX=-35m, errY=+30merrX=-18m, errY=-1m
Avoca Trig 441000 yE, 866321 yN 351563 mE, 6297600 mN errX=-17m, errY=+14merrX=-17m, errY=-22m
Niagara Park Railway Station 436107 yE, 874500 yN 346938 mE, 6305013 mN errX=-8m, errY=-8merrX=-12m, errY=-25m
Wyong Trig 442893 yE, 887571 yN 352913 mE, 6317050 mN errX=-9m, errY=+22merrX=+9m, errY=+25m
Tumbi Trig 443893 yE, 874607 yN 354013 mE, 6305213 mN errX=+32m, errY=+26merrX=+43m, errY=+4m
Lyre Trig 430536 yE, 866286 yN 341900 mE, 6297350 mN errX=+82m, errY=+48merrX=+61m, errY=+20m
Sterland Trig 431750 yE, 885429 yN 342775 mE, 6314875 mN errX=-20m, errY=+44merrX=-24m, errY=+51m
Tangy Dangy Trig 441286 yE, 882786 yN 351525 mE, 6312675 mN errX=-6m, errY=-5merrX=+6m, errY=-10m
Mangrove Trig 429714 yE, 877357 yN 341013 mE, 6307513 mN errX=+23m, errY=-9merrX=+8m, errY=-15m
Avg errX=26m, avg errY=23mAvg errX=22m, avg errY=19m

Trig locations in Dharug National Park:
LocationANG coordinatesAGD66 coordinatesConversion error, 3 params
Starkey Trig 404250 yE, 870357 yN 317775 mE, 6300450 mN errX=-9m, errY=+2m
Croft Trig 411393 yE, 879107 yN 324150 mE, 6308575 mN errX=-8m, errY=+2m
Haycock Trig 411893 yE, 865964 yN 324813 mE, 6296575 mN errX=+17m, errY=-4m
Avg errX=11m, avg errY=3m
DX = 234.61
DY = 56.599
DZ = -145.234

Sources of info that I found about historical map projections in Australia are:

There's also a book on this topic called "Australia in Maps: Great Maps in Australia's History from the National Library's Collection".

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