AusDatumTool Update History
AusDatumTool vers 9.7 - 5 Mar 2025
1. Fixed accuracy issue with Ellipsoid --> AHD conversion of height fields.
AusDatumTool vers 9.6 - 30 Nov 2021
1. Store input coordinates with full precision.
AusDatumTool vers 9.5 - 25 Nov 2021
1. Added paste coordinates button.
AusDatumTool vers 9.4 - 1 Nov 2021
1. Fixed -ve 0 deg issue for DMS and DM formats.
2. Fixed issue with "Keep on top" option.
AusDatumTool vers 9.3 - 5 Jun 2021
1. Added option in Convert File dialog to perform ellipsoid to AHD height conversions.
AusDatumTool vers 9.2 - 24 May 2021
1. Added option to convert between ellipsoid height and AHD for GDA94 and GDA2020 datums.
AusDatumTool vers 9.1 - 7 Mar 2021
1. If invalid grid ref when "Topo map" button pressed, still allow selection of a map as long
as the zone is between 47 and 57 inclusive.
AusDatumTool vers 9.0 - 1 Dec 2020
1. Fixed precision issue when converting between AGD66/84 and WGS84.
AusDatumTool vers 8.9 - 5 Jun 2020
1. Fixed precision issue when copying output coordinates to clipboard.
2. Increased size of seconds field to show more digits.
AusDatumTool vers 8.8 - 4 Jun 2020
1. Fixed dialog sizing issues.
2. Allowed up to 12 digits of precision for lat/lons.
3. Added option to use the ITRF2008 reference frame (instead of ITRF2000) when converting to/from WGS84.
4. Changed link at top of About box to go to AusDatumTool page directly.
AusDatumTool vers 8.7 - 18 Mar 2020
1. Fixed a performance issue caused by previous update.
AusDatumTool vers 8.6 - 21 Feb 2020
1. Trial and full versions are now the same program. AusDatumTool runs in trial mode if not licensed.
AusDatumTool vers 8.5 - 9 Feb 2020
1. Added licensing to full version.
AusDatumTool vers 8.4 - 28 Jan 2020
1. Added ISG support.
AusDatumTool vers 8.3 - 18 Jan 2020
1. Implemented time-dependent datum shift when converting between GDA2020 and WGS84.
AusDatumTool vers 8.2 - 16 Jan 2020
1. Added support for a grid shift file when converting between GDA94 and GDA2020.
AusDatumTool vers 8.0 - 14 Jan 2020
1. Added privacy policy link to About dialog.
AusDatumTool vers 7.9 - 10 Jan 2020
1. Fixed minor precision issue with easting values.
AusDatumTool vers 7.7 - 6 Jan 2020
1. Fixed rounding error with negative values.
AusDatumTool vers 7.6 - 23 Nov 2019
1. Improvements to file conversion: Show wait cursor while converting large files,
escape special characters when creating KML output, check input and output coordinates are in valid ranges,
show lat field before lon field when input is lat/lon, option to get field names from header,
option to swap order of output coordinates, added PSV file support.
2. Added a link on About dialog to the updates web page.
AusDatumTool vers 7.5 - 10 July 2019
1. Added "Auto compute zone" option on preferences page which defaults to being on. If un-ticked, this allows
conversion of coordinates outside of their normal zones.
AusDatumTool vers 7.4 - 20 Apr 2019
1. Fixed pathing issue affecting Microsoft Store version.
AusDatumTool vers 7.3 - 13 Apr 2019
1. Added a button to swap the input and output coordinate systems.
AusDatumTool vers 7.2 - 26 Oct 2017
1. Fixed bug with KML output when WGS84 selected as output datum.
AusDatumTool vers 7.1 - 28 Mar 2017
1. Added GDA 2020 support.
AusDatumTool vers 7.0 - 19 Mar 2017
1. The Convert File option now allows selection of optional Name, Description, and Altitude fields
when writing output to KML files.
2. When writing to CSV and other text files, Convert File also now writes out lat/lons in the format
selected on the main page of AusDatumTool (DMS, DM, or Dec Deg).
AusDatumTool vers 6.9 - 9 Mar 2017
1. Added the ability to set the number of decimal places for easting/northing and lat/lon values via the
preferences page.
AusDatumTool vers 6.8 - 3 Dec 2016
1. Added a "More..." button that allows you to compute the grid convergence and point scale factor
values for the current output coordinates.
2. Fixed a bug with the "Convert file" option when processing quoted values.
AusDatumTool vers 6.7 - 2 Apr 2016
1. Remember input and output coord type.
2. Tolerate quotes and commas in batch conversions.
3. Warn if latitude sign doesn't match selected hemisphere.
AusDatumTool vers 6.6 - 27 Jul 2015
1. Show UTM zone letter.
AusDatumTool vers 6.5 - 27 Nov 2014
1. Treat blank header lines as valid lines in the file conversion tool.
AusDatumTool vers 6.4 - 16 Jun 2014
1. Fixed a bug which was preventing WGS84 L/L output from being saved to a KML file.
AusDatumTool vers 6.3 - 23 Jul 2013
1. Fixed warning message which was continually shown if invalid eastings or northing values entered.
AusDatumTool vers 6.2 - 20 Mar 2013
1. File conversion: added support for input fields with lat/lon in Deg Min Sec and Deg Min formats.
AusDatumTool vers 6.1 - 21 Jan 2013
1. When converting between GDA94 and WGS84, output 2 decimal places for X and Y.
AusDatumTool vers 6.0 - 20 Jan 2013
1. Added option to use NTv2 grid shift files to achieve sub-metre accuracy.
2. Removed ability to set number of decimal places for X and Y. If grid shift is used, extra
decimal places are now automatically displayed.
AusDatumTool vers 5.9 - 3 Jan 2013
1. Added ability to enter decimal places for input X and Y fields.
2. Added a preferences button which allows you to set how many decimal places are
shown for output X and Y fields.
3. Improved tabbing order of controls.
AusDatumTool vers 5.8 - 22 Nov 2011
1. In shrunken mode, show Lat/Lon in DMS, DM, or Dec Deg modes depending on selected
coordinate type.
AusDatumTool vers 5.7 - 17 Nov 2011
1. Added "<<" button to shrink or expand the dialog.
AusDatumTool vers 5.6 - 16 Nov 2011
1. Added interactive polyline creation tool.
AusDatumTool vers 5.5 - 4 Nov 2011
1. Pressing the Enter key now does a coordinate conversion rather than closing the dialog.
2. There is a copy button that copies the output coordinates to the clipboard.
3. There is a Maidenhead Locator System button which converts the output lat/lon to a locator
and brings up a tool which allows an entered locator to be converted back to lat/lon.
AusDatumTool vers 5.4 - 31 Oct 2011
1. Whenever the zone is automatically updated from the longitude, the current GUI settings
are saved to the registry.
AusDatumTool vers 5.3 - 21 Oct 2011
1. Added Round-up when converting from Easting and Northing to grid ref coords on
main dialog.
AusDatumTool vers 5.2 - 17 Aug 2011
1. Added UTM Zone Tool.
AusDatumTool vers 5.1
1. Prompt for name of point when writing to KML, plus use different temp files to allow multiple points to be view in Google Earth.
2. Save most GUI settings to registry when convert button pressed. Reload them when tool starts up next time.
AusDatumTool vers 5.0
1. Renamed from ConvertCoords to AusDatumTool.
ConvertCoords vers 4.9
1. Fixed bug with batch file conversions which affected ANG and probably NZ datums.