Custom Formulas Operators and Functions

NOTE: The normal trig functions use angles in radians. You can use the deg2rad() and rad2deg() functions to convert between degrees and radians, or you can use the trig functions ending in 'deg' if you want to work in degrees.

Addition +
Subtraction -
Division /
Multiplication *
Modulus %
Power ^
Sine sin()
Cosine cos()
Tangent tan()
Arc Sine asin()
Arc cosine acos()
Arc tangent atan()
Sine (degrees) sindeg()
Cosine (degrees) cosdeg()
Tangent (degrees) tandeg()
Arc Sine (degrees) asindeg()
Arc cosine (degrees) acosdeg()
Arc tangent (degrees) atandeg()
Hyperbolic sine sinh()
Hyperbolic cosine cosh()
Hyperbolic tangent tanh()
Inverse hyperbolic sine asinh()
Inverse hyperbolic cosine acosh()
Inverse hyperbolic tangent atanh()
Cotangent cot()
Natural logarithm ln()
Logarithm base 10 log()
Logarithm base 2 log2()
Absolute value abs()
Random number (0 .. arg) rand()
Square root sqrt()
Error function erf()
Complementary error function erfc()
Gamma function gamma()
Exponential exp()
Integer int()
Round round()
Ceiling ceil()
Floor floor()
Degrees to Radians deg2rad()
Radians to Degrees rad2deg()
pi (3.14159265) pi
Euler's number (2.71828183) _e_
Conditional if(cond,then,else)
Less than <
Less than or equal to <=
Equal =
Not equal !=
Greater than >
Greater than or equal to >=

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