Handy GPS - Area Computation

Last updated Oct 2016

If you have waypoints entered for each corner of a property outline, say W1, W2, W3, W4, then you can join these corners to form a tracklog and then use the "i" button to compute the enclosed area.

The steps are as follows:
  1. Press the Delete (trash can) button and choose "Delete track logs" (export any tracklogs you want to keep first though).

  2. Select the first waypoint, W1, from the waypoints menu and choose the "Join waypoints" option.

  3. Select the waypoints W2, W3, W4, and then W1 again to close the polygon.

  4. Finally, press the "Done" option from the top of the list to join the selected waypoints.

  5. To confirm your property outline is correct, choose one of the waypoints and select "Show on map" and "Google Map".

  6. Return to the main page of the app and press the "i" button and then the "More..." button. This will show the property boundary length and the enclosed area. If metric units are selected as your coordinate system, then you will see this value in hectares, otherwise it will be shown in acres.

An alternative way to compute the area of a parcel of land is to delete all tracklog points and then walk the boundary of the land while recording a tracklog.

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