Handy GPS - Using the Reference Set

Last updated Dec 2016

The "reference set" is a set of waypoints and/or tracklogs that can be displayed on the map pages, but are not part of your normal "working set" of waypoints and tracklogs, so they won't interfere with recording your current walk.

To use the this feature, choose "Manage reference set" from the main page menu and import a file that you only want to see on the map. Then when you view the map pages, you will see the reference waypoints as blue flags and the reference tracklogs as blue lines. You can click on a waypoint to see it's name.

There are also options on the map page menus to hide/show the reference set. If your reference set is large (thousands of waypoints), it will slow the map page down, so you probably only want to have the reference set visible when you need to see what is recorded around your current location.

You can import as many KML files into the current reference set as you like. But perhaps an easier alternative is to create a single KML file that you can import into the reference set. If you have a Windows PC, you can use the free Merge KML Files tool to merge the waypoints from as many KML files as you like into one.

If you need to clear the reference set that is currently loaded in the app, just press the "Clear" button on the manage reference set dialog.

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