Handy GPS - Triangulation
Last updated Mar 2020
To use the "Triangulate" function to approximate the location of a point which you can see in the distance (e.g. a mountain) from two known points, use the following steps:
- Physically go to the first point that you want to triangulate from.
- Sight the distant point and use the compass page in the app to find its bearing. Make sure that "true bearing" mode is selected. (If your phone does not have a magnetic sensor, you'll need to use a separate compass and manually correct for magnetic declination).
- Press the "+" button at the top right of the main page of the app to create a waypoint at your current location. Enter the bearing to the distant point in the description field so that you don't forget it.
- Repeat the above steps for the second point.
- Press the flag button at the top of the main page, and when the list of waypoints appears, choose your first point, then select the option "Triangulate" which is down near the bottom of the action menu (you may need to scroll it).
- Choose the second waypoint.
- The bearings from each waypoint to the target location should auto populate from the values you entered in the description fields. If not, enter them now.
- Press "OK". This will create a new waypoint (e.g. "W1 tri W2")
- Open the new waypoint and choose "Properties" to see its coordinates, or "Show on map" to view it.
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