Handy GPS - Main Screen

At the very top of the page are two buttons: "New session" and "Paused" or "Recording". To start the app recording a tracklog, press the red "Paused" button and it will change to a green "Recording..." button. The session button allows you to start a new named session. This is optional and is described below.

Below this are 6 buttons whose functions are as follows:
Below these buttons are two drop-down controls that let you choose the type of coordinates you want to view: UTM Easting/Northings, or lat/lons in various formats. You can also choose the datum: AGD66, AGD84, GDA94, or WGS84. (GDA94, NAD83 and WGS84 are so close that they can be treated as identical by this app). The paid version also includes the option to use a custom datum which can be configured from the menu.

Next you can see the UTM zone (e.g. 56), and to the right of this is a "zone tool" button and a "copy" button. The zone tool button brings up a page which computes the zone number from a given longitude and vice-versa. This may be handy if you're manually entering waypoints and need to know what zone to use. The copy button allows you to copy the current easting and northing to the clipboard. This may be handy for pasting your current location into Google Earth, an SMS or email message.

Below this are the Easting and Northing (or Latitude and Longitude) values.

Next are displayed the current GPS accuracy and altitude. The button to the right of the altitude value allows you to view or edit the automatically computed geoid offset. This value is used to correct the raw GPS altitude value so it is more accurate for your current location.

Below this are your current speed and direction. If your speed is very slow, the direction will display a question mark, indicating that the direction of travel cannot currently be computed.

Next is the odometere along with a button to reset it to zero. To the right of the reset button is an info button which shows the number of currently loaded waypoints and track log points, along with other statitics.

Below the odometer is an optional timer line which is used to record the duration of your walk. This can be enabled from the preferences page.

At the bottom of the screen are another 12 icon buttons, in two rows, whose purposes are:

Menu options

The main screen menu options are:

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