Supplement to "Discovering the Colo Wildernesss on foot", revised edition

Last updated Oct 2014

This page contains errata and additional information to supplement the revised edition of this book.

WARNING: The Colo Wilderness is rugged and remote country. Always go well prepared and preferably travel in a group of at least 3 people. Travel time along the river and side creeks can be very slow (less than 1km/hour) and tiring due to boulders, rapids and thick vegetation. Also, the gorge is surrounded by impenetrable cliffs in many places. The 1:25000 topo maps of the area have 20 metre contour intervals which do not show all the cliffs.


2Caption is incorrect for back cover photo. The photo must have been swapped during the final stages of typesetting. The correct caption is "Colo River tea tree".
21The Pipeline Track is now closed near the Glen Davis end where it crosses a private property. Also, tours of the Glen Davis ruins start at the gates of "The Poplars" at 2pm each Saturday. The current price is $15 per person.

In addition to the Glen Davis campground, there is also a new National Parks camp ground called Coorongooba which is a few kilometres further down the Capertee valley, at the junction of the Capertee and Running Stream Creek.
58Unfortunately, the Pipeline Track is now closed near the Glen Davis end where it crosses a private property.

Other extra info
