Make Photo Catalogue

Feb 2010

This utility lets you catalogue your photo CDs by creating 100x100 thumbnails of all your JPG photos in a catalogue folder on your Desktop. You can then browse all your photos and when you find the photos you want, you can insert the CD that contains the full resolution image.

To install this, you first need to install ImageMagick since its convert tool is used to resize the images to thumbnails. (Go to Binary Releases, Windows and choose the first download in the table) .

Once you have installed ImageMagick, you can download the set of DOS batch files that comprise this utility using the link below. Open the zip file and extract it to C:\Program Files\MakePhotoCatalog. (Note on Vista and Windows 7 you may need to create this folder first before extracting the files here). Finally, right-click on the file AddCDToPhotoCatalogue.bat and send it the Desktop to create a shortcut.

When you are ready to catalogue your first photo CD, insert the CD in the drive, noting which drive this is (e.g. E:\) and then double-click on the desktop short cut to add this CD to the catalogue. You will see the following screen:

Follow the prompts and the utility will generate a thumbnail for each image on your CD. Once the thumbnails have been generated, you can remove the CD and insert the next one, and so on. Once you have all your photo CDs catalogued in this way you will always be able to find the photo that you're after.

Download MakePhotoCatalogue

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