Supplement to "Discovering the Colo Wildernesss on foot", 1st edition

Last updated Nov 2010

This page contains errata and additional information to supplement the first edition of this book. Most of the information on this page has been incorporated into the revised edition.

WARNING: The Colo Wilderness is rugged and remote country. Always go well prepared and preferably travel in a group of at least 3 people. Travel time along the river and side creeks can be very slow (less than 1km/hour) and tiring due to boulders, rapids and thick vegetation. Also, the gorge is surrounded by impenetrable cliffs in many places. The 1:25000 topo maps of the area have 20 metre contour intervals which do not show all the cliffs.


PageError found byDescription
28Dave NobleSketch map shows fire trail going further than it really does around Alidade Hill.
29Anthony DunkThe track off Boorai Ridge is shown entering the Colo about 250 upstream from where it should be. (The route shown on this map is navigable, but much steeper than the track marked with cairns). See a revision to the map here.
32Anthony DunkThe difficulty of this walk should be "Hard".
52Dave NobleCaption of photo is wrong. Railway was built for mining shale, not coal.
69Anthony DunkThe current recommended treatment for snake bite is to apply an elasticised pressure bandage, not a crepe bandage. The elasticised bandages are much more effective at reducing poison movement.

Grid references

PageData provided byFeatureGrid reference (AGD66)
27Anthony DunkStart of Canoe Creek entry track749150
27Anthony DunkCanoe Creek entry point751148
27Anthony DunkCanoe Creek exit track746140
31Glen MorrisLog blocking side track to Crawford's Lookout719234

Other extra info
