Popran National Park

Emerald Pool

General info

Popran was only declared a national park in 1994, and not many people know of its existence. It lies between Wiseman's Ferry Road and the Sydney-Newcastle (F3) freeway.

Ironbark Rd, near Mangrove Mountain, provides access to the northern section of the park. Popran Track provides access to the pretty Popran Creek, while continuing along Ironbark Rd leads to the Mt Olive and the Emerald Pool tracks. Towards the end, Ironbark Rd becomes steep and may be unsuitable for 2WD vehicles. A leaflet which is available from the NPWS contains a sketch map of these trails.

There are also a few fire trails near the F3 freeway which provide walkers with access to the southern section of the park.

Some walks

Popran Creek2-3 hoursNoIronbark Rd, Mangrove Mtn
Mount Olive1 hourNoIronbark Rd, Mangrove Mtn
Emerald Pool and 248 track4 hoursYesIronbark Rd, Mangrove Mtn
Big Jims Point3 hoursYesOld pacific highway,Mt White area

* = Durations are approximate only and assume a reasonable level of fitness. Unless otherwise stated, all times include the return walk.
** = A circuit is where the outward and return legs of the walk follow different routes.

Popran Creek


Copyright 1999. Anthony Dunk

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