Here are the results:
Total responses: 90 State: NSW: 47 % VIC: 24 % QLD: 10 % Tas: 10 % WA: 3 % Overseas: 3 % ACT: 2 % SA: 1 % Age-range: 0-20: 4 % 21-30: 16 % 31-40: 27 % 41-50: 22 % 51-60: 24 % 61+: 7 % Gender:
Male: 87 % Female: 13 % |
Type of job: Indoors job: 69 % Other job: 12 % Unemployed/retired: 11 % Outdoors job: 4 % Student: 4 % Main source of pre-trip info: Maps & notes: 40 % Friends & word of mouth: 19 % Guidebooks: 17 % Websites: 17 % Parks & wildlife service: 6 % Other: 1 % Member of a bushwalking club: Yes: 33 % No: 67 % Walk solo sometimes: Yes: 48 % No: 52 % Walk offtrack: Yes: 78 % No: 22 % Walk length: A few hours: 20 % 1 day: 26 % 2 days: 28 % 3 days: 13 % 4 days: 4 % 5 days: 4 % 6 days: 0 % 7 days: 1 % 8 days: 1 % 9 days: 1 % 10 days 1 % >10 days: 1 % Packweight: 0-5 kg: 3 % 6-9 kg: 0 % 10-12 kg: 15 % 13-16 kg: 33 % 17-20 kg: 23 % 21-24 kg: 8 % 25-30 kg: 4 % >30 kg: 2 % None: 12 % Footwear: Leather boots: 58 % Sneakers/volleys: 22 % Soft boots: 18 % Other: 2 % Stove fuel: Metho: 33 % Gas: 25 % Shellite: 24 % Solid fuel: 2 % Lighter fuel: 2 % Petrol: 1 % Other liquid: 1 % No stove: 12 % Used GPS: Yes: 48 % No: 52 % Carried PLB (EPIRB): Yes: 24 % No: 76 % Carried Sat Phone: Yes: 6 % No: 94 % Type of camera used: Film: 49 % Digital: 24 % Both: 17 % None: 10 %