Handy GPS FAQ (iOS version)

Last updated Sep 2018

Why won't HandyGPS get a location fix ?
Make sure that under your phone settings in the Privacy > Location Services section, HandyGPS is enabled. Also check that the status at the top of the main page is "Recording". GPS updates are not received by the app in "Paused" mode.

How should I manage my waypoints and tracklogs ?
The best way to use this app is to clear all the loaded data and reset the odometer before each new walk. Remember to export your current data first if you haven't already though! The app is not intended to store tracklogs for more than one walk. If you never clear the tracklogs, the map rendering will eventually become sluggish.

Why has the tracklog stopped recording ?
If you're using the free version of the app, only 20 tracklog points will be recorded. With the default tracklog spacing of 25 metres (82 feet), this corresponds to a tracklog of about 500 metres (1640 feet). The paid version does not have this limitation.

I have a KMZ file. Can I load this in HandyGPS ?
HandyGPS will only import KML and GPX files, however a KMZ file is just a zipped file, so change it's extension from .kmz to .zip on a Windows PC and then open it in Windows Explorer. Usually, a .kmz file contains one or more .kml files. Simply extract these and then you can import them into HandyGPS in the usual way.

Does HandyGPS support offline maps ?
Yes, the paid version has the ability to download small areas of maps from map tile servers for use later when you have no cellular data connection.

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